YIA Students bring back Gold and Silver Medals from WSC in Kuala Lumpur!

Students of Yoder International Academy (YIA) have just returned home from the World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) Global Round competition in Kuala Lumpur this past week. The scholars come back to Taiwan with gold and silver medals, reflecting their hard work and talent.
WSC is an international academic competition which asks scholars to show their skills in debate, writing, and general trivia knowledge against students from all over the world, around 500 teams from more than 30 countries.

The students who attended had completed the regional round in Hsinchu this past March and have all qualified for the final round at Yale University in the U.S.A.

Along with the competition days, the students were able to take trips around KL to a local waterpark and go white water rafting. In addition, they were able to meet and befriend students from Africa, the Middle East, SE Asia, Europe, and N. America.

The community of YIA, and their coaches, Mr. Jaffe and Mr. McCambridge, are extremely proud of their effort and all they have achieved to get to this point and thank the parents for their support throughout this time.