Yoder International Academy and Yoder Bilingual Academy joined together to offer 2020 International Winter Camp to Vancouver, Canada during this winter break. Gr 6~10 students (and siblings of the same age group) are encouraged to participate in this educational trip. 《Winter Program Guide》《Application Form》 Information: […]
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《Photo Album》First Parent-Teacher Conference of Yoder International Academy

有得實驗教育機構執行長謝一正博士於7月25日(三)受邀到訪澳洲昆士蘭省教育局及該省以STEM機器人課程著名的 Chancellor State College 進行交流。
Yoder Officials Visit Dept of Education of Queensland and Chancellor ...
Students of Yoder International Academy joined Yoder Bilingual Academy’s 3-week international camp during this summer. During the trip, two Yoder joined groups visited Chancellor State College in Sunshine Coast, stayed in local home stays as well as took on challenges on Fraser Island.