桃園市有得實驗教育機構(YIA)於今年3月底取得美國 Cognia 認證,近期再度與美國『矽谷聖馬特奧三學院』(San Mateo Colleges of Silicon Valley, or SMCSV)簽訂合作備忘錄(MOU)進行多元課程合作提供本機構學生多元學習,讓學生在有得就學期間就可取得美國大學學分。
位於全球高科技的重鎮 – 北加州矽谷地區的『矽谷聖馬特奧三學院』(SMCSV)由肯尼亞達學院(Cañada College)、聖馬特奧學院(College of San Mateo) 和斯凱蘭學院(Skyline College) 所組成,是加州最大的兩年制學院之一,每年服務超過 25,000 名學生, 提供超過 80 個學術課程。該學院提供的課程多為加州大學(UC)及加州州立大學(CSU)所承認,部分課程甚至連著名的史丹福大學(Stanford University)也可折抵學分。有得與矽谷聖馬特奧三學院的合作將為學生提供申請一流大學所需的課程資源。為有得學子開啟在台灣就取得美國大學學分的一扇窗。
SMCSV的校方代表將於 5/28 (六) 上午9點舉辦線上說明會,介紹該學院的課程並進行問答(Q&A)。歡迎有興趣參加今年暑期課程的學生參加 5/28的線上說明會。報名網站如下:LINK |
SMCSV 的 2022年暑期課程已經開放報名。今年開放的四門課程如下:
Program Starts: 7/6/2022-8/12/2022 or 8/28/2022 (Taiwan Time) | ||||
課程名稱 | 學分 |
學分認可大學 |
課程要求 | 課程介紹 |
CRER 401- College Success
大學規劃 |
1 | CSU & UC | Prerequisite: None Corequisites: None Recommended: Eligibility for READ 836 and ENGL 836; or ENGL 847 or ESL 400. |
Provides students with essential tools, skills, and information including college policies, procedures, educational requirements, and college programs/support services. This course also assists students in time management, setting goals, decision-making skills, and other strategies for success. |
CIS 110 – Introduction to CIS
電腦資訊科學入門 |
3 | CSU & UC | None; Eligibility for ENGL 838 or ENGL 848 or ESL 400. |
Introduction to computers and information science. Includes computer terminology, computer hardware and software, networks, common operating systems, data representation, telecommunications, Internet access and security issues, computer ethics, and beginning computer programming concepts, and an introduction to research processes and methods through online tools and sources. Topics are motivated by current issues and events. Discussions include examination of such issues as privacy, intellectual property, and cloud computing |
MART 441 – Intro. to Game Design
電子遊戲設計入門 |
3 | CSU | Prerequisites: None Corequisites: None Recommended: Eligibility for READ 836 and ENGL 836; or ENGL 847 or ESL 400. |
Introduction to the essentials of game design using industry-standard game engine, spreadsheets, presentation slides, photo editing, 3D modeling, and reference art to convey game design ideas and specifications. Practical application of skills learned to develop games. |
BUS. 100 – Introduction to Business
商業入門 |
3 | CSU & UC | None; Recommended: Eligibility for MATH 110. Eligibility for READ 836 and ENGL 836; or ENGL 847 or ESL 400. |
Introduction to American business in the global environment providing an overview of economics, ethics, management, marketing, operations, information management, accounting, and finance. |
- 課程簡要說明及報名說明(中文版)
- 各科課程介紹
- 報名連接:LINK
- 需上傳有得實驗教育機構成績單、護照並填寫 Minor Consent /Media Release Form
- ※ 課程有最低成班人數限制,每班須18人成班